Scratch lab 9

Name: Battuguldur

Period: 7

Assignment: Lab #9

Lab Overview

In this lab we made calculator HERE.

My Solution

We made some kind of calculator. It will ask you 10 numbers and everytime you write even numbers, it will tell "even" and if you write odd number, then it will say "odd". After you done writing numbers, if even numbers are more than odd numbers then sprite will change costumes.

My Project Link


  1. What is the length of an “empty” list?
    • The length of an empty list is 0.
  2. Why are lists more powerful than variables?
    • i think it's because it can store as many numbers or words as you want.
  3. Can a list contain different data types? For example, could it store both numbers and words?
    • Yes, list can contain different data types.